The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is the anchoring organization for this campaign. We represent the collective power of the country’s 70 leading immigrant and refugee rights organizations with reach across 40 states. We exist to leverage their collective power and expertise for a national strategy toward full immigrant inclusion.

Click here to see the full list of NPNA Member Organizations

The New American Voters 2024 campaign is a national effort that builds on the momentum of our previous calls to action which have yielded a growth in naturalization rate in part due to our coordinated advocacy, increased organizational capacity and advanced pro-immigrant narratives. This campaign is powered by NPNA members, Municipal partners, Refugee stakeholders, Labor partners, Educators, and ethnic media who will combine efforts to get out a unified “Now that we’ve naturalized, let’s vote” message to community members who have naturalized since the last presidential election.

To join the campaign email: [email protected]

National Campaign Partners